From Anthony Willoughby: The double standard has got to stop. On one hand, a 14,15, 16 or 17 year old boy gets caught selling drugs and shooting at people and he gets treated like he's an adult. But a 17 year old girl who engages in prostitution all on her own and lies to everybody about her age and carries herself like a grown woman gets treated like an innoncent little girl who doesn't know any better while anyone who employs her services or involves himself with her gets punished and gets the "she was young treatment." Or people say he should have known she was underaged even if she was lying. If she was successful deceiving her own parents, school officials and law enforcement (people who really knew her) regarding other matters, how in the hell would she not successfully deceive a total stranger. Common sense prevails in these cases but nobody wants to us it.
You all know that females have been lying about their age since the beginning of time. The porn star Jenna Jamison famously left home at 17 and went to LA all on her own and started working in the adult entertainment business by deceiving everyone about her age. It wasn't until she was well into her career that it was discovered she was underage when she began her career. The double standard has got to stop.
You got to remember that in my case, the young lady had a fake ID showing she was an adult, had already been prostituting, had been carrying on like she was an adult and was three months shy of her 17th b-day.